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The Executive Council is made up of nine (9) members comprising the following; The Chairman, The General Secretary, The International Missions Director (IMD), Two (2) Apostles /Prophets / National Heads, elected from external branches; one (1) from Francophone jurisdiction and the other from Anglophone jurisdiction and Four (4) others elected from among the Apostles and Prophets in Ghana.

Currently the Executive Council members of the Apostles’ Continuation Church Int’l. Apostle Clement Brakatu (Chairman), Apostle Peter Serfour Bofah (General Secretary), Apostle Jones Kwabena Takyi (International Missions Director), Apostle George Asare Duah, Apostle Sylvester Agyemang, Apostle J.A Mensah, Apostle Solomon Adu Berko, Apostle Peter Asante, Elder M.K. Frimpong and Rev. Kwasi Asare Tutu.


a) The Executive Council shall be responsible to the General Council.
b) It shall implement policies and decisions of the General Council.
c) When the General Council is not in session, the Executive Council receives reports and memoranda from Committees and Boards.
d) The Executive Council may appoint an Acting General Secretary, or Acting Chairman or Acting International Missions Director should any one of them be incapacitated for a period not exceeding six (6) months.
e) The Executive Council shall, in case of emergency, act on behalf of and report to the General Council for the ratification of its said decisions.
f) The Executive Council shall be responsible for the callings, appointments, demotions, upgrading, retirements, transfers and dismissal of Ministers.
g) The Executive Council may appoint an acting Chairman, General Secretary and International Missions Director, should anyone be away


The Executive Council shall meet as often as they consider necessary. The Chairman or, in his absence the Acting Chairman shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Council. Five (5) members shall form a quorum for all meetings.


The Term of Office for all Executive Council members shall be for five (5) years. Members of the Executive Council may be re-elected for further terms.