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There shall be a Regional Presbytery Council which shall be the coordinating and the highest policy-making body in the regions.

The Regional Presbytery Council shall comprise: (a) The Regional Head, (b) The Regional Executive Members, (c) All Area Office Holders, (d) All District Executive Committee Members, (e) Two(2) Deacons Representatives from each District, (f) Three (3) Deaconesses Representative from each District, (g) All Other Serving Ministers in the Region, (h) Three(3) Ministers’ Wives one of whom shall be the Regional Head’s wife, (i) Retired Ministers/Officers may be invited to attend but without voting right.


The Regional Presbytery Council;
(i)Shall be the highest policy-making body in the Region/Area
(ii) Shall elect the Regional Executive members
(iii) Shall receive and approve reports submitted by the various organs of the church in the Regions/Areas.
(iv) Shall elect, approve, appoint and/or review Regional Office holders. (v) Shall approve the

Regional/Area Budget.
REGIONAL/AREA HEADS: There shall be a Regional/Area Head who shall be of the office of an Apostle, Prophet or a Senior Pastor, or an experienced Minister appointed by the Executive Council for ratification by General Council.

The Regional/Area head,
(i) Shall be responsible to the Chairman of the church for the administration of the region/area.
(ii) Shall chair the meetings of the Regional/Area Presbytery Council, the Regional/Area

Executive Committee and every Regional/Area meeting, convention, or rally he attends in the Area.
(iii) Shall implement the policies and decisions of the General Council and the Executive Council in the Region/Area.
(iv). shall be responsible for the day-to-day running of the church in the Region/Area and the implementation of the decisions of the Regional/Area Presbytery Council.
(v) Shall perform such functions as are assigned to him by the Chairman and the Executive Council.